Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ho Chi Minh Nov 10-12 '06 - D2

Strung out along certain straight stretches of road
you will find this 'OMO' operated portable gravity-feed diesel dispensing 'station'. ( see the graduated container on the left of the pic.)

She had this special gaze ..This is a common sight - rows of breads

Air ventilators
School girls with their pretty ao-dai's white
A dash of red caught my attention... wedding 'lunch' perhaps.

Click the image - I am after the rather 'big' bau in the glass cabinet

Pork sellers under the hot sun.. how long can the meat last?
A serene setting

Women tending to the field
Water hyacinth and a pond with netting.

Cooling off from the heat

Dog taking a ride too

Click the image and find out how many fruits you know.
Slums near river

I never expect nipah-palm fruits ( 'attap chee' inside)
ended up this way.

The majestic Main Post Office
One two three

Note the charcoal pot and familar 'love-letter' press.En route to a photo session?

Jet contrail near one of Notre Dame's spiresSelling fans etc while her partner (below) take care
of the kid

My third shots - this time I signaled to her and
she gave me this warm smile and the kid looked great too.

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