Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Cave path - where does this cave lead to ..

Hindhede Quarry Cliff face viewed from the look-out-point. Opening bearing from the lookout point is 60 degree NE.
 Can you locate the other entrance of the cave? [Hint locate a ledge like opening on RHS]

A strong breeze can be felt in the afternoon as the other end of ( quarry cliff face)
sucks in the breeze and ruffles the cave foliage. ~68m in elevation
Peeping at the other end with a pair of 10x50  binos reveals tree branches and skyline.

The approximate position of the tunnel from the cliff face to the cave path!
Notice the dark opening between the fore-branches
A closer look.

The dark square hole is there right in the middle. Some painted over sign seen on the extreme right wall.  Could be an interesting cooling spot if accessible ( rope ladder from above?)

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