Sunday, December 31, 2006

Swedish Ship Gotheborg (replica) came to town

She is looking straight at my lens..

The frontal viewNote the anchor's hull 'protector'

The interesting rear view..

frontal mast
crow's-nest above

Pulleys and the laminated pine-wood masksCareful on your way down....
I saw one chap slipped all the way down when he apparently missed his footing on the narrow near vertical steps.
ropes and pulleys

rope winder of somesort
Polygon 'Skylight'
- one of the segments can be lifted out ( note the handles on right segement)

rows of cannons ..

Another view of a cannon

Hey, who will believe that the tree
is wired with high voltage... do you?
Just leave the bears alone.
The lady on the right is getting
her yellow bear to greet those on the tree, how cute!
Seeing double?
This is the composite image
with kind permission of Veron's Xmas
Tree of the Day #1 on the left and mine on the right. You job is to figure out how many bear-bear gone missing since Dec 13!

Meanwhile at the Singapore River... those wishes you have penned on the white plastic balls all ended up here.. They will be lit up by colored lights and act as backdrop for the tonight - Count Down 2007. Crowds are building up in the afternoon. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007


Anonymous said...

Hey love the Gotheborg pictures. I saw it a couple of times last week. Oh I saw Kurt Wenner at the museum too. Looks like we've been going to the same places!

I even have a photo of the teddy bear Christmas tree at Harbourfront taken in early December. I can't believe I actually ended up comparing your photo with mine to spot the missing teddy bears! lol if you are interested to do the same, you can see the photo here.

Dark Matter said...

Hi Veron:
Wow.. you even manage to have a foto with this Master.. All you fotos are gorgeous... very nicely taken..

OK i will do the bears check next...