Introduced from Australia and was only discovered as late as 1983...
I pointed out this heavy bunch of ripe Foxtail (Wodyetia bifurcata) palm fruits to a Malay lady. At first she thought it was a Penang palm. But this one came with a rounder and larger fruit and different coloration. A couple of these palms were fruiting near my neighborhood only this one with a lower branch. It was a freak occurrence - I wont have noticed this palm ( well hidden in the branches of another tree) if i didn't take a different route back home.
Sliced one to see what is inside.. Sure look delicious.... look only. Look like not too many nature takers..[ someone take a nibble and reported bland and tasteless..and the seed was reported to be poisonous ]
I need a hammer and a sharp knife to slice across the hard outer shell. The white 'fresh' inside is hard as rock. You can tell this palm from others easily - the fronds look like the 'bushy' tail of a fox...
So you should know how a fish-tail palm look like?.. go out and look.